Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Actions of the Americano: How Stupidity Became the New Black.

While clicking through the channels the other night, some faster than others, namely Fox News, I stumbled upon the new craze that inevitably all Perez Hilton and American Idol fans flock to on MTV: Jersey Shore. At first glance, albeit quick, the show mimics much of what used to compromise the enjoyable elements of the now ancient reality television: real-life situations, drama, a bit of Disney-rated sex, and a metaphorical boat load--unless of course you consider the "Real World: Semester at Sea," in which case the boat load compromised a cruise ship with real-life complete morons--of spoiled kids that more than likely bought their way on to the Vizio television that Wal-Mart jammed down our throats for a reasonable and exploitative price. As the issue currently stands, Jersey Shore officially qualifies itself as a reality television show by default, but this reality show, differing slightly from the mainstream programming that bombards even the Food Network anymore, endorses stereotypes, misogynistic actions, and what continues to plummet the American public into a sea of eternal pain, stupidity.

The argument against this assertion already rings out on a daily basis in attempts to condone the actions on television and promote a further appreciation for the stupidity before the American public. This statement does not come from a personal hatred for reality television in general, for the entertainment value of these shows, if viewed properly, drastically outweighs a cold winter evening at home with Angela Lansbury in Murder She Wrote; however, the argument fails to hold any validity when the stupidity on screen transposes itself into daily actions via fist pumps and labeling oneself with a cheesy nickname that a computer generates in attempts to mainstream an already mind-numbing stupidity. Therefore, with these factual presentations of a transposed ignorance accessible to the masses on their friend's Facebook pictures and "originally crafted names," the argument against the content within these programs deserves attention and serious action to help prevent a nation of orange club-goers that look like a recreation of Mel Stuart's vision of Oompa Loompas.

Before the first privilege on that piece of parchment that dictates the rights and liberties of those stuck in this nation comes into question, understand that the freedom of expression and speech remains a top priority when both briefly watching the stupidity of Jersey Shore and writing this very entry. That being said, the problems arise when, as previously stated, the imitation of said idiocy becomes a normal practice of everyday life. Unfortunately, much to the unknowing dismay of the American public, the limitations of these moronic acts do not wholly confine themselves to television. On a much grander scale, those that praise and worship the Book of Stories--the Bible, to some--and take its message to heart, broadcasting the inherent stupidity within those pages to a not-so-interested audience fall victim of enacting a stupidity that needs to remain silent and embedded in the deadened parts of the brain. Connecting these two ideas--religion and Jersey Shore--appears to make little to no sense upon first read, but the similarities remain present and expose themselves in a fashionable trend that demeans the very intelligence of an entire nation. To limit the production and reproduction of this stupidity known as the replication of stupid actions to just television and the Book of Stories offers a slew of problems, mostly due to the fact that other forms of stupidity continually pop up on a daily basis. The identification of the problem initiates the necessity to change, but how does one go about doing so?

In sum, stop being a moron and doing everything done on a newly spun-off show on MTV. That being the tip of the iceberg, think about the actions portrayed: do these actions transpire as acts that impact one's intelligence? Surely there will be one individual out there with an IQ of 200 that fist pumps their way into the club each and every night. Even still, with an IQ of 200, that person remains a moron. The same can be said about an over-zealous Christian, Muslim, Jew, or any religious moron that believes each and every word written in texts that merely outline a civil and morally just way of life. One could even identify the example of the beauty queen that starves herself in an attempt to make it down to a size zero to help better her image and make herself marketable in the Americano culture. Yes, without much delay, this person, too, comes off as a moron.

The main reason this article attacks all forms of replicated stupidity across the board--aside from the evident fun in doing so--stems from a current distaste for Americano culture in general. Something as simple as a television show, though harmless to most, drastically impacts how our society functions as a whole. Again, the necessity of these shows remains just as important--if not more so--than the current "news" fed to the public on a daily basis--in this day and age one could not survive without the other. Instead, these shows should be taken at face value and appreciated for their entertainment and not their ridiculous actions that people take to heart and reenact. Just as the Book of Stories can make a person better through guidance and example, so can watching a mind-numbing show and appreciating its entertainment value. Over the course of the past ten years, American television dropped off the deep end in terms of intellectual stimulation. Not far from this notion, the news that the public reads--this is when one uses their eyes to read and interpret words on a page or screen--has been taken down multiple notches to around a sixth-grade reading level. That, in and of itself, defies the very notion that this nation remains the most literate and intelligent in the world. If, by chance, the literacy rate of the nation bases itself off of the ignorance that transfers from screen to everyday action, then this nation, in its current state, rates among the top intellectuals in the history of the world. Love it, leave it, or accept it and become a moron--you decide.

So, in sum, the proposition and call to action resides before the Americano populace: stop the idiocy. In no way does this article endorse the abolishment of the television; instead, like most activities that require moderation, use common sense when discerning between the "reality" in reality television and the reality that remains real life. This separation, if done correctly, could eliminate a large portion of the moronic comments and actions that occupy each and every aspect of one's daily life. From fake tans to tribal and Chinese tattoos, the American public has officially hopped on the bus of broadcasted unintelligence. When others view the United States from around the world, in its current state, they become bombarded with the stupidity that comes from our mainstream culture. Soon enough, and this is presupposing at the very best, the American public will revert to phoning in their presidential nomination to Ryan Seacrest while he fist pumps on stage to Lil' Wayne and holds a pimp chalice filled with Cognac. As the "superpower" of the world, America, is this what you wanted? Turn your brains on and start to think--I know you're all not that stupid. Separate the realities before you separate your mind from thinking in general. Smash it all.

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